Before we put a product on the live, we go through many tests. There are different types and different test levels. Different types of tests are performed at different stages. We’ll cover test levels in this article. We will explain the test levels and interlocutors, the purpose of the levels, the relationships between test levels, and the requirement for each test level.
- Unit Test
Unit testing is the most basic type of test. Unit testing checks the functioning of the software by isolating each component. unit test; It is made to prove that each component meets its requirements and is correct in terms of functionality. No relationship between components yet. This test is done with the white box technique and is done by the developer. .The developer does not record the errors and intervenes immediately. Unit testing should be done at the earliest stage of the software development process. This will be beneficial in terms of time and money. Unit testing is indispensable for a product with feet on the ground.
2. Integration Test
It is a test to see errors in the combination of components. It may not work properly when components running separately are combined. There may also be inter-systems mergers outside of units. Here, too, if two different software will work together, it is necessary to do an integration test to see how they work together correctly. Tests at this level; Makes a developer or tester according to the integration.
3. System Test
All components must be in one and the system must be complete. At this level, the system’s compliance with the requirements is checked. Functional and non-functional modules should be tested. Black box technique and white box technique are used in system tests. Since it is the last test for verification, the system test should be done in the closest environment where the product will come alive while the product is being tested.
4. User Acceptance Test(UAT)
The purpose of this level of testing is not to find defects, but to show that the product is ready for use. The people who do this test are those who demand the product. People who request; They do this test as a customer and cannot interfere with the system.